Thursday, January 18, 2024

Subject: Urgent Call for Action: Addressing Water Crisis and Prioritizing Community Infrastructure


 Dear Topeka City Officials and Fellow Residents, 


This comes with a pressing concern that requires immediate attention. I am writing to express my deep concern about the current state of our community, particularly regarding the ongoing boil order and the dire condition of our water department. 


Living in a community with a boil order feels akin to residing in a Third World country. The situation is exacerbated by the evident deferred maintenance and mismanagement that the water department has suffered over the years. It is disheartening to witness the deteriorating state of such a crucial utility that affects the well-being of every resident. 


One cannot ignore the irony in the fact that, while our water department faces neglect and decay, substantial economic development funds have been allocated to various projects in our community. The corporate welfare extended to new deals has not translated into meaningful growth in our tax base or population. It is time for a fundamental shift in our priorities. 


I strongly propose redirecting 100% of the economic development funds towards our water department. It is imperative that we prioritize the essential infrastructure that sustains our community. This reallocation of funds will not only address the immediate crisis but also provide a much needed shot in the arm for the long-term health of our water utility. 


The years of neglect demand urgent action, and we cannot afford to defer this crucial investment any longer. By focusing on our water department, we are investing in the very foundation of our community. It is time to put the brakes on economic development funds that have not yielded the desired results and redirect our resources to where they are most urgently needed. 


Let us commit to living better today by making a substantial investment in our community's infrastructure. Our collective well-being depends on it, and it is our responsibility to ensure a safe and sustainable future for Topeka. 


I urge you to consider this proposal seriously and take decisive action for the benefit of our community. Call your County Commissioners of City Council person.  



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